Enjoy this fun and insightful little video about Albuquerque’s cultural icon, the National Hispanic Cultural Center!
The Pit, Albuquerque’s Premium Venue for the Lobos of University of New Mexico
Please enjoy this presentation of The Pit, Albuquerque’s premium venue for the Lobos of University of New Mexico!
Albuquerque Real Estate January 2017 Market Watch
MARKET WATCH! In January 2017 the Median Sale Price for single-family, detached homes increased 7.2% from last year to $185,000 and the Average Sales Price rose 3.1% to $218,488. The Absorption Rate (number of months it would take to sell the current housing inventory) decreased 24.4%, continuing to show us a Seller’s market of 3.1 months (6 months is equilibrium). The Average Days on the Market was only 62. The overall inventory of detached homes for sale continues to drop, coming down 20.3%. (GAAR)
Exciting upcoming events include Century 21 Unica’s annual Barking Lot Sale where all proceeds go to Animal Humane New Mexico (March 4th starting at 8AM). Come on by to donate items which we can sell to help Animal Human or sell your own wares (and rent a table from us!).
The Sugar Team
Albuquerque River of Lights
These are a Few of My Favorite Things…The Sound of Holiday Musica in Albuquerque.
Tumbleweed snowman. Bizcochitos. Ordering your enchiladas “Christmas.” These are some of the fascinating things you will find in New Mexico during the holidays, and specifically in Albuquerque. There are many truly joyful events that happen throughout our wonderful city during the month of December that you absolutely will not find anywhere else.
Kicking off the holiday season in Albuquerque’s cultural epicenter Nob Hill, the Shop and Stroll closes the streets to vehicles in this fabulous neighborhood, giving patrons the opportunity to walk the streets and shop locally until late. During the Shop and Stroll shoppers enjoy the opportunity to ride in pedicabs, take in street performers, enjoy the excellent cuisine in Nob Hill’s restaurants and of course, shop! This year is extra-special because Nob Hill is abuzz, celebrating its one hundredth year anniversary.
While New York City has its Rockefeller Center and the Lighting of The Tree, so does Albuquerque, but in Old Town. Old Town is more steeped in history than 100 Rockefeller Center, as it dates back to 1706 when founded by the Spanish. Even today Old Town keeps its Spanish roots, preserving a central plaza and gazebo—Mariachis included of course!—, surrounded by historic golden-colored adobe buildings and the San Felipe de Neri Church. Just one day after the Shop and Stroll the mayor lights the tree in Old Town and wishes peace and joy on all observing Burqueños.
The third day of celebrations brings us back to Nob Hill to witness the Twinkle Light Parade, The Sugar Team’s all-time favorite. This year there are 96 participants floating down the street with the one requirement that every entrant—whether it be a clown, bicycle or low-rider—be bedazzled with twinkle lights. The culmination of live music, red and green flashing lights and overall kitschiness provides a scintillating experience for the senses.
However, the Twinkle Light Parade really doesn’t own the market on quirkiness in ‘Burque. Just the second year running, the Rail Yards in Albuquerque’s Barelas neighborhood hosts their Rail Yards Holiday Market. Located in the historic Blacksmith Shop which was completed in 1917, it has often been the backdrop for many Hollywood productions. Albuquerque is pushing to convert this locale into a public market similar to what is found in cities like Barcelona and Los Angeles. It is a great place to purchase local crafts, homemade chow and unusual souvenirs.
On Christmas Eve there is a gorgeous tradition that takes place yearly here in Albuqerque and dates back more than 300 years: Luminarias. Luminarias are brown paper sacks filled with sand and a votive candle. Historically, nuevomexicanos lit the candles on December 24th to welcome the Christ child into the world. Today Albuquerque’s older neighborhoods like Old Town, North Valley, South Valley and Country Club place these ethereal decorations to adorn their walkways, churches and homes. I promise you, you don’t have to be religious to appreciate this beautiful detail.
Last but not least, we have the River of Lights. The River of Lights is an exhibit of visual light sculptures throughout the ABQ BioPark Botanical Garden running from the end of November through the beginning of January. Although many other cities host a similar event, Albuquerque’s has been running strong for 19 years and simply is the best. Where else can you find gorgeous light representations of a barrel of 14 monkeys, a butterfly bush, eight dragonflies, three cow skulls and a hot air balloon? The River of Lights is the perfect holiday conclusion following the excess of egg nog, spicy tamales and ugly Christmas sweaters. And it really is a pleasure to meander along the illuminated botanical garden paths, delightfully discovering what new “creature” has been rendered in lights.
So there you have it…Albuquerque during the holidays. From the unique shopping opportunities of Nob Hill’s Shop and Stroll, historic Old Town’s Lighting of the Tree, the scintillating Twinkle Light Parade, quirky Holiday Market at the Rail Yards, ethereal Luminarias, to the River of Lights, Albuquerque has something for everyone at this time of year. And that is why The Sugar Team is so proud to call “The Duke City” home. Call us today (505) 850-9977 if you would like to work with a Realtor® that loves Albuquerque as much as we do!
Albuquerque Rail Yards Holiday Market
September 8th Unica Barking Lot Sale to Benefit Animal Humane
Xeriscape: Water-sipping Landscaping of the South West
People believe “Xeriscape” is a form of South West landscaping consisting of a bunch of gravel, rocks and concrete coating their front and backyards. Others think that maybe adding a couple of cacti is enough to earn this title. However, neither could be further from the truth (in fact, both of these previous examples are really “zeroscape”). In reality, xeriscape is a form of landscaping incorporated to minimize water use and when carried out correctly, can be relatively colorful and aesthetically pleasing. According to the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority Website, xeriscaping is ideal because not only does it save water and money, it saves time.
Of course, being located in the dry, high-desert, we almost have an obligation to plant water-sipping plants and water-catchment systems that save every rainfall’s last delicious drop. Natural grasses and cacti indeed would be good options for spots of color and any kind of rain barrel at the receiving end of a rain gutter would be perfect for collecting water. This avoids losing water to evaporation as well as run off.
In the long run xeriscape is a total money-saver. It is designed to require little maintenance when carried out correctly. (Gone are the times of pushing around a lawnmower to achieve that perfectly coiffed sod only to discover the dreaded crab grass…) And unlike the traditional lawn alternative, xeriscaping runs little risk of being hit with a fine for excessive water consumption.
Here in Albuquerque there are many fantastic sources for designing, maintaining and benefitting from a xeriscape garden. The Albuquerque Water Authority runs an informative Website about xeriscaping. In fact, they even offer a rebate if you adhere to their xeriscaping guidelines. A well-known xeriscape designer Judith Phillips with 30 years of experience is also a great find if you are starting from scratch. And if you would like to check out an Albuquerque home whose front and backyards were both designed by Judith Phillips, don’t miss the virtual tour for 2208 Frederick PL NW (yes, this home is for sale and listed by The Sugar Team!).
Useful Links:
- Xeriscape on Albuquerque Water Authority
- Albuquerque Water Authority Xeriscape Rebate Program
- Judith Phillips Design Oasis
- The Sugar Team Website
- 2208 Frederick PL NW Virtual Tour:
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May 12th Unica Barking Lot Sale
Does a Real Estate Agent’s Company Really Matter?
Most people don’t realize that Realtors® don’t get a salary or benefits of any kind. We are all independent contractors. If we make a sale we get a commission and if we don’t… we get nothing. It’s somewhat of a “sink or swim” system, but if we are always working and always promoting our listings we can make it work.
The other misconception that many have is that Real Estate Agents can only sell homes that are listed by their own company or brokerage. That is to say, Century 21 agents can only sell Century 21 listings and Coldwell Banker agents can only sell… (well, you get the idea). That can’t be farther from the truth! The reality is any agent can sell any homes listed provided that it appears in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), the database where all homes are marketed for sale.
However, just because we are all independent contractors doesn’t mean where we hang our license lacks importance. What can matter is the location and philosophy of one’s brokerage. For example, Century 21 Unica, the brokerage where we at The Sugar Team decided to hang our license is located right on 1717 Carlisle Blvd NE, just South of Indian School. We are located smack-dab in the middle of Albuquerque, conveniently close to I-40, I-25, Nob Hill, Spruce Park, Netherwood Park, Ridgecrest and the University of New Mexico. From our ideal location we can get pretty much anywhere in Albuquerque within about 10 minutes. This becomes very important to our Clients if they need to come into our office to sign paperwork in a jiffy. At the same time, because of our proximity and ties to the community, we find ourselves focusing a lot of our real estate efforts in the UNM area, Nob Hill, Downtown and the North East Heights.
Our connections to the community as well are nothing to sneeze (bark) at. Sutter Sugar runs a free
Spanish Conversational Group in Albuquerque as well as donates time to the Cervantes Institute at the National Hispanic Cultural Center. Linda Sugar is a professional painter, donating her beautiful paintings to many wonderful causes. Finally, our brokerage Century 21 Unica gives a portion of its proceeds to breast cancer and AIDS research, the Animal Humane Society and other charities and organizations. In fact, once a quarter we organize a “Barking Lot Sale” right in our own front parking lot. You can rent a space and sell your own garage sell items for a nice profit, you can donate them to us and we’ll sell them for you, or you can just come by and pick through some wonderful finds. Either way, all the proceeds go to Animal Humane. Our next Barking Lot Sale will be Saturday May 12th. Contact The Sugar Team today to reserve your spot!